Things will always be
the way they have been.

My heart tells me
I am not like them.

The fortune favoured
Caylen with his true love.

So all that’s left
for me is to
discover what
to do.

I’m really here, I still
cannot believe it.

The king himself,
he has made it true
by sending me to find and
bring back his son.

If Tara
could just see me now.
What might she
go through?

Caylen says
I should trust in the Trias.
For my fate’s tree, it
was to form the stem.

But what if that
makes real what I’m afraid of?
Is that to be?
I cannot see!

I wish you were with me!

I can feel,
know for sure,
Tara needs me!

If I knew
where Aneta is right now.

When the fate
will allow,

I will find her somehow.

Don’t give up!
She’s close, I know!

There in Enedion,
the circle is complete.

I can see my star.
It is no longer far.

Back to Enedion!

Fate cannot be undone!

Lend me the strength,
I want to change the way things are!

The future
is still unknown.

I miss the time in Fellgood,
my dear home!

So many
things occurred in such
a short time.

New mountains
are to climb.

The winds chime
and the stars give
me a sign.

There in Enedion,
the circle is complete.
I can see my star.
It is no longer far.

Enedion waits for me!
There is my destiny!
Lend me the strength,
I want to change the way things are!

I will change the way things are!

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CD Trackliste

Akt 1 Lied 01: Helden der Garde / ANETA / TARA Lied 02: Flamme von Hegar / DECEM / JADE / MELVENLied 03: Formidables Regat weiterlesen
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