Once upon a time,
men were chosen, honoured, oathbound,
as their loyalty was profound,
living for the great divine.

They were called the Guardians,
fighting malice and oppression.
They took orders without question.
To the will of gods they aligned.

True heroes could still
be found back then.

But in Hegar’s Guard they
fight for good again.

Always follow in
the Guardians’ footsteps, it’s what we do.
It is justice and peace we pursue.

They help the people
see and do good!

The guard’s protecting Hegar
from all kind of evil forces,
with armor and with horses.
When there’s need, they are not far.

Being a part of it -
for this goal I strive.
For the good of Hegar,
I would gladly give my…


Seven virtues are essential,
needed to fulfil your part.
Seven stars must shine through your eyes.
This is how you join the Guard.

DECEM (Chorus)
Modesty, truthfulness
and inner strength is
what you need.

Wisdom and sincerity
will allow you to succeed.
You must be strong and good
for the sake of our posterity.

Oh yeah, that’s me!
I have enough bravery, oh yeah!
To get Tara back, I would go everywhere.
I am brave enough, I swear!

Truthfulness and goodness,
wisdom and sincerity,
back in Fellgood
they were not a rarity.

In your hometown, you’re a
hero by design.
But for Hegar, you put
your life on the


There’s no sacrifice that’s too high
for the guard and for the king.

But that is not where it ends yet.
That is not the only thing!


Everyone who wants to join
the heroes of the glorious guard
must prove he is worthy with a
noble deed for Hegar’s kingdom.

That’s what I did the other day
with you in Enedion.


So be it, Guardsman!
Arise and stand
for Hegar from now on!

ANETA / DECEM (Chorus)
Modesty, truthfulness
and inner strength is what I need.
Wisdom and sincerity
will allow me to succeed.

My heart beats for the kingdom.
I wield my sword for the guard.

ANETA (Synchronous to Decem)
This is the day
for the life I’ve been dreaming of to start.
Now my path is clear.
Nothing I will fear.

DECEM (Synchronous to Aneta)
This is the day
for the life you’ve been dreaming of to start.
Now your path is clear.
Nothing you will fear.

Finally, this is me …

… standing here!

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